“Short and sweet” online networking meetups for founders (and their teams).
Celebrating Wins and Learning from Failures
First Tuesday of the month 6.30pm AEST.
Sharing Our Elevator Pitches to Get Feedback
First Thursday of the month 6.30pm AEST.
Brainstorming Solutions to Sticking-Points
Second Tuesday of the month 6.30pm AEST.
Reviewing Technologies and Resources
Second Thursday of the month 6.30pm AEST.
Transitioning Successfully from Founder to CEO
Third Tuesday of the month 6.30pm AEST.
Speed-Networking with Founders (and Team Members)
Third Thursday of the month 6.30pm AEST.
Discussing Latest Developments and Mega-Trends
Fourth Tuesday of the month 6.30pm AEST.
Asking Founders for Personal Advice
Fourth Thursday of the month 6.30pm AEST.